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Anti-snap locks sheffield

Thieves exploit the weak point in the “euro cylinder” fitted to your doors. The euro cylinder, the correct term for the barrel lock on uPVC doors, is a brass-made product. This helps ensure that the lock requires very little maintenance over years. Brass is a soft metal with a cylinder that narrows in the middle. If you apply force, it will break. Someone can then open the lock as the handles on your door will be free to open. Though I made that sound very simple and easy, there is more to this procedure. Anti-snap locks Sheffield are available today.

What do you think can be done?

UPVC Door Repairs Sheffield offers a solution to this security concern. They can replace your existing upvc door locks with anti-snap locks. These locks are designed to prevent forced entry, providing a significant boost to your security. They are not just ‘snap-proof ‘, but also equipped with anti-bump technology, a feature gaining popularity in parts of the UK. Additionally, they resist drilling and picking, further enhancing your property’s security.

Anti snap locks fitted in Sheffield

How much will all this cost?

The cost for this security upgrade is a guide price of £ 210 for changing three locks, with additional locks at £50 each. This price covers the time to fit and the locks themselves. Importantly, it also includes the added benefit of having extra keys cut at the same time, a necessity for many households at a bargain price. Considering the long-term security benefits, this price represents excellent value for your peace of mind.

I want to let you know there has been a flood of high-security locks. They do not display the three stars on the front. These are not high-security locks and are no better than your own.

You must know that uPVC  Door Repairs Sheffield will only fit you with the best locks available today.

Please feel free to call on 0114 2919 273 for a same-day response.

Call uPVC Door Repairs Sheffield on 01142 919273 or 07766 088854 for advice and a free no obligation quote.

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